Friday, July 24, 2009

A Place to Rant

Ahhh! A place to unwind and rant.

I have no doubt that ranting here will be a bit like yelling down a stone well. All I am likely to hear in return is the shrill sound of my own voice. Still, I now join the hundreds, the millions, the hundreds of millions who do the same thing every day. I will probably be no different than them.

I will be as original as an Indian Monsoon. I will be as pleasing and delightful as a Hurricane. I will be as wanted as a wart.
My rants will be mundane, moribund, maybe mellifluous, magnificent some will say, in the final analysis, moot.

When I am not ranting I may subject you to poetry that will doubtless make Vogon poetry seem like T.S. Elliot. I may allow you to view videos I make on subjects that may alternately turn your stomach or cause to you to hold your sides tightly in to keep them from splitting.

The truth is I do not know what I will say here, or do here; what you will read here or view here. I only know that confession is supposed to be good for the soul. I guess we'll see if that's true.

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